Sweet Lily

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, April 19, 2010

Finally Home

It is Monday and I am almost back into some kind of routine again. Our flight back from Vancouver was excellent and Lily slept through all of it. We had a bottle up and a bottle coming down and in between was just gravy.

We had a lovely welcome party to greet us which was a great feeling and Lily was pretty cool about all of it. She did not however, like the car seat ride and cried for the that last 10 min of the trip. I don't blame her as we had just done three flight legs in 48 hrs and she needed more tummy time.

Thank you to everyone for all your emails and calls to welcome both of us home. It sure was a great feeling

Here is a shot on the flight from HCMC to Tokyo (Lily's first flight)

Couldn't resist the cutout in Vancouver for a photo with Lily


  1. Welcome home Sweet Lily! I hope you settle in quickly so mommy can bring you to the Mother's Day dinner!

  2. Welcome welcome welcome home! Hope you both settle in and adjust to the time soon! Enjoy. Can't wait to meet her.

  3. So glad you are both home safe and sound. Can't wait to met Miss. Lily!!

  4. welcome home. can't wait to meet her!



  5. Congratulations! Can't wait to meet Lily and hear all about your trip!
