and the answer is I should or I should have....gotten the flu shot.
I am day 5 of this crazy flu that everyone has. Three of my closet friends have had this in the past 3 weeks and I didn't even get it from them. It is nothing like I have experienced before so my advice is to get the flu shot.
Lily is fine thank goodness but on this day number 5 I am still fuzzy headed which makes me really off balance and light headed that gives you the feeling you could faint. Terrible cough that can bring on a headache blast and because of this cough your stomach muscles and back just hurt all the time.
If you are feeling any of these symptoms, cease and desist going to work as that is how it spreads quickly.
There that is my PSA for the day and now, back to bed.
Incredible Iceland
6 years ago
Hope you get better soon and have lots of support to get you through!!