Hello Family and Friends!
Terres des Hommes (TDH) is the agency that helped with all the administrative work for me to travel to Vientam to adopt Lily. TDH partners with many orphanages not just to help facilitate adoptions but also raise money and awareness to help orphanages that are in need.
Although I missed last year's gala as my sister and I were in Vietnam meeting my beautiful daughter Lily, the event raised enough money to renovate an orphanage, provide transportation and tuition for a school, build a new bathing area, and pay for nanny training and new appliances.
This year the focus will be on helping to build the Long Hai Centre, a new social protection centre in Vung Tau, Vietnam. Vung Tau is the town where Lily's orphanage is.
The event is Saturday, March 26th at 6:00pm at Le Jardin, 8440 Hwy 27, Woodbridge. The evening will be full of fun and life changing for so many children in Vietnam. Please come out to support the cause.
To find out more information visit: www.tdhcharitygala.com. It is a wonderful event to share with others. There will be a silent auction as part of the festivities. I would love to create a couple tables of family, friends and co-workers. If you are interested please email me at ethieps@hotmail.com and I would be happy to provide tickets to you.
Incredible Iceland
6 years ago
Thanks Paula!