Sweet Lily

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My First Mother's Day

Today my plans were to go to Barrie to have a Mother's Day brunch with family and I changed gears and decided to stay at home as logistics were not in my favour. Then I thought I would pop over to my girlfriends as there was going to be a couple families there and their children. I adore my girlfriend's kids and knew it would be fun but my beautiful daughter had other plans for our first Mother's Day together.

Yes Lily decided to jump off the path of any predictable schedule and just do her own thing to keep me on my toes and to keep us both close to home. We made it out in the morning to walk Charlotte and see some snow fall but after that it was any one's game.

Lily would sleep for 30 min and then become wide awake for 90 min, then sleep for maybe 45 min and then be playful for 60 min ....you get the program. So we did not do anything but play and when Lily slept I watched snippets of a movie (as a treat), ate chocolate, looked at photos from our days in Vietnam and when she finally went down early evening she still kept me hopping for a good hour until she was really out.

I could play 20 questions but I am pretty sure it is her teeth and I think there is a tooth on the bottom that is getting ready to make an appearance.

The night before we had a special dinner with our adoption group for a Mother's Day celebration. I was thrilled to finally bring my daughter to the dinner as I went often before my trip to Vietnam. We had a wonderful time seeing everyone and Lily was delightful and when it got close to bedtime she just snuggled up in the sling and cuddled her mama. She is my Lil Canuck!!

P.S. Someone brought me Lilacs today and the smell is the most sublime scent ever to cross my nose. It takes me back to days as a young girl living in Barrie, in the backyard of my childhood home. We had a couple of Lilac bushes. My mother loved them so much and would always hve them in the house. The scent reminds me so much of her and of a time that was pure and free that I wish there were flowers all year round.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your (our) first Mother's Day! I've just caught up on your blog, and I'm so happy to see you two settling in at home. Aren't we lucky!
